Kenya. The dedicated front runner of Africa,
who never gives up.
One of the best-performing countries
in the Continent.
The dominant economy in the East African Community.
There is a reason why Kenya the shining star of Africa. The country has the largest economy in East Africa. It is also one of the best performing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa. The growth of Kenya’s real GDP is forecasted to reach 6.5% per year in 2017.
Kenya’s motto is “Harambee,” meaning “Let us all pull together.” Arguably nothing demonstrates the Harambee spirit better than the country’s economy. Kenya is regarded as one of the most diversified economies in Africa, encompassing everything from light manufacturing to agro-processing and banking. The country even has a technology hub known as “Silicon Savannah.”
The country has both a sophisticated agricultural sector, leading the world in black tea export, and a significant engineering industry along with an extensive textile and clothing industry as well as glass and construction materials production.
The future looks bright for Kenya. Multiple Chinese car manufacturers have already moved into Kenya. The Nairobi-Mombasa rail line is expected to boost the flow of goods in the region. Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in 2015 were $1.4 billion, up from $1.05 billion in 2014.
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